Measure and report face mask use in public spaces with AI Video Analytics

Monitoring the wearing of face masks in public spaces can help with fighting the pandemic.

Imagine deploying awareness campaigns, punctually distributing face masks on-site if deemed convenient, or simply deploying enforcing agents at the critical spots. Real-time data, with hourly granularity and geographical detail can assist you in making effective decisions when defining your face mask compliance strategy and tactics.

The Real-Time Face Mask Monitor is an extension of our AI and Deep Learning Video Analytics software, which has already proven to cope very accurately with real-time fare evasion detection. Both systems can be employed simultaneously or separately.

Man wearing face mask on elevator stairs

Fully scalable with existing VMS systems

Accurately monitors face mask wearing in public premises such as public transport, office buildings, commercial spaces, at events etc.

Analyses images from video streams in real-time using Awaait’s mature AI and neural network software

The video analytics engine can correctly identify as masks the various types commonly used: N95 masks, surgical  masks,  masks with various colours or prints, and all of them from different angles

Can be customised to display real-time and historical statistics, as well as trigger alerts on specific circumstances (for instance insufficient face mask use), alerts which can be pushed to an application installed on the smartphones of key personnel

Works with existing VMS systems allowing customers to make use of the assets they already have installed. If the customer does not have a VMS, Awaait can install a distributed system with direct connections to the cameras

For more details about how our solution can be applied to cover your needs, please contact us.